PIP Phone Number

If you have a disability or a long-term health condition that affects your daily living or mobility, you may be eligible for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). PIP is a benefit that helps with some of the extra costs of living with a disability or health condition. It is not based on your income, savings, or employment status, and you can claim it whether you work or not.

To claim PIP, you need to contact the PIP new claims phone line and fill in a form that asks about your condition and how it affects you. You may also need to have an assessment by a health professional to check your eligibility. If you already receive PIP, you need to contact the PIP enquiry line if you have any questions, changes, or complaints about your claim.

In this blog post, we will provide you with the PIP phone number for different regions of the UK, as well as some tips on how to make a successful claim.

PIP Phone Number UK

The PIP phone number for new claims in the UK is 0800 917 2222. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0800 917 7777. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the PIP phone number. If you use British Sign Language (BSL), you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

If you are calling from abroad, the PIP phone number is +44 191 218 7766.

The address to send your completed form is:

Personal Independence Payment New Claims
Post Handling Site B
WV99 1AH

PIP Phone Number Scotland

If you live in Scotland, you need to apply for Adult Disability Payment (ADP) instead of PIP. ADP is a new benefit that replaces PIP in Scotland from December 2021. It is similar to PIP but has some differences, such as more flexible assessment options and longer award durations.

To apply for ADP, you need to contact Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

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If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0800 182 2233. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the ADP phone number. If you use BSL, you can use the contactSCOTLAND-BSL service on your computer or mobile device.

The address to send your completed form is:

Social Security Scotland
PO Box 10301

DWP PIP Phone Number

The DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) is the government department that administers PIP in England and Wales. If you have an existing claim for PIP and want to make an enquiry, complaint, appeal, or change of circumstances, you need to contact the DWP PIP enquiry line on 0800 121 4433. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0800 121 4493. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the DWP PIP phone number. If you use BSL, you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

The address to send any documents related to your claim is:

Personal Independence Payment
Post Handling Site B
WV99 1AH

PIP Phone Number Glasgow

If you live in Glasgow and want to get advice or support with your PIP claim, you can contact your local Citizens Advice service. Citizens Advice is a network of independent charities that provide free and confidential information and advice on various issues, including benefits, debt, housing, and more.

You can find your nearest Citizens Advice service by visiting their website or calling their national helpline on 03444 111 444. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

Alternatively, you can contact Glasgow’s Advice and Information Network (GAIN) on 0808 801 1011. GAIN is a partnership of organisations that offer free and impartial advice on benefits, money, debt, legal issues, and more. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 10am to 8pm and Saturday, 10am to 2pm.

PIP Phone Number Wales

If you live in Wales and want to get advice or support with your PIP claim, you can contact your local Citizens Advice service. Citizens Advice is a network of independent charities that provide free and confidential information and advice on various issues, including benefits, debt, housing, and more.

You can find your nearest Citizens Advice service by visiting their website or calling their national helpline on 03444 111 444. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

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Alternatively, you can contact the Wales Benefits Helpline on 0800 328 1744. This is a free and confidential service that provides information and advice on benefits, tax credits, and grants. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

PIP Phone Number NI

If you live in Northern Ireland and want to make a new claim for PIP, you need to contact the PIP new claims phone line on 0800 012 1573. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0800 587 0937. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the PIP phone number. If you use BSL or ISL, you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

If you have an existing claim for PIP and want to make an enquiry, complaint, appeal, or change of circumstances, you need to contact the PIP enquiry line on 0800 587 0932. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

The address to send any documents related to your claim is:

Personal Independence Payment Centre
BT49 4AN

PIP Phone Number New Claim

If you want to make a new claim for PIP, you need to contact the PIP new claims phone line for your region. You can find the relevant phone number in the sections above. You will be asked some basic questions about your personal details and your condition. You will then be sent a form that asks about how your condition affects your daily living and mobility.

You need to fill in the form using the guidance that comes with it and return it within one month. You should include any supporting documents that you have, such as prescription lists, care plans, or information from your doctor or others involved in your care.

You may also need to have an assessment by a health professional to check your eligibility. The assessment will be either face-to-face or over the phone, depending on your situation and the coronavirus restrictions in place. You will be contacted by an assessment provider to arrange the appointment.

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You will receive a decision letter from the DWP or Social Security Scotland after your claim has been processed. The letter will tell you if you have been awarded PIP, how much you will get, and for how long.

Contact PIP Phone Number

If you want to contact the PIP phone number for any reason other than making a new claim, you need to use the PIP enquiry line for your region. You can find the relevant phone number in the sections above. You can use this number to:

  • Make a complaint about PIP
  • Appeal against a PIP decision
  • Make changes to your PIP claim
  • Request alternative formats of documents
  • Ask for more time to return your form
  • Report a change of circumstances

You should have your National Insurance number and date of birth ready when you call. You should also have any letters or documents related to your claim handy.

PIP Phone Number London

If you live in London and want to get advice or support with your PIP claim, you can contact your local Citizens Advice service. Citizens Advice is a network of independent charities that provide free and confidential information and advice on various issues, including benefits, debt, housing, and more.

You can find your nearest Citizens Advice service by visiting their website or calling their national helpline on 03444 111 444. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

Alternatively, you can contact London Advice Line on 0800 231 5453. This is a free and confidential service that provides information and advice on benefits, debt, housing, employment, immigration, and more. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.


PIP is a benefit that helps with some of the extra costs of living with a disability or health condition. To claim PIP, you need to contact the PIP phone number for your region and fill in a form that asks about your condition and how it affects you.

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