Dvla phone number

If you need to contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) for any reason, such as applying for or renewing your driving licence, taxing your vehicle, reporting a medical condition, or changing your personal details, you may be wondering what is the best way to do so. There are different ways to contact the DVLA, depending on your query and preference. You can use the phone, email, post, or webchat to get in touch with them.

In this blog post, we will provide you with the DVLA phone number for various services and regions, as well as some tips on how to save time and money when calling them. We will also cover some alternative ways to contact the DVLA online or by post.

DVLA Phone Number Free

The DVLA phone number free is 0800 032 5202. This is a freephone number that you can use to make a complaint about the DVLA or its services. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. The call is free from landlines and mobiles.

If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0800 032 5203. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the DVLA phone number free. If you use British Sign Language (BSL), you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

The address to send your complaint by post is:

DVLA Complaints Team

DVLA Phone Number UK

The DVLA phone number UK is 0300 790 6801. This is the general enquiry number that you can use for questions about driving licences and applications. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm, or on Saturdays, 8am to 2pm. The call costs up to 16p per minute from landlines and up to 65p per minute from mobiles.

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If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0300 123 1278. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the DVLA phone number UK. If you use BSL, you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

The address to send your driving licence application or renewal form is:

SA99 1BN

DVLA Phone Number Swansea

The DVLA phone number Swansea is 0300 790 6802. This is the vehicle enquiry number that you can use for questions about vehicle tax, registration, or Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN). You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm, or on Saturdays, 8am to 2pm. The call costs up to 16p per minute from landlines and up to 65p per minute from mobiles.

If you have hearing or speech difficulties, you can use the textphone service on 0300 123 1279. You can also use Relay UK by dialling 18001 before the DVLA phone number Swansea. If you use BSL, you can use the video relay service on your computer or mobile device.

The address to send your vehicle registration application or change of details form is:

SA99 1AR

DVLA Phone Number for Road Tax

The DVLA phone number for road tax is 0300 123 4321. This is the automated service that you can use to tax your vehicle online or by phone. You will need either:

  • a recent reminder letter (V11) or ‘last chance’ warning letter from DVLA
  • your vehicle log book (V5C) which must be in your name
  • the green ‘new keeper’ slip (V5C/2) if you’ve just bought the vehicle

You can call this number at any time of the day. The call costs up to 16p per minute from landlines and up to 65p per minute from mobiles.

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Alternatively, you can tax your vehicle online at GOV.UK.

Contact DVLA Phone Number

The contact DVLA phone number is different depending on what service you need. Here is a list of some common services and their phone numbers:

  • Driving licence enquiries: 03007906801
  • Vehicle enquiries: 03007906802
  • Driving and medical issues: 03007906806
  • Vehicle tax: 03001234321
  • Driver check: 09031393837
  • Personalised registration: 03001230883
  • Welsh language: 03007906819

You can also find the contact details for other services on the GOV.UK website.

DVLA Phone Number Please

If you are looking for the DVLA phone number please, you can use the service on the GOV.UK website to find the right phone number, email or postal address for your query. You can also use the webchat service to talk to an adviser online.

Alternatively, you can use the table below to find some common DVLA phone numbers:

Phone Number
Driving licence enquiries
0300 790 6801
Vehicle enquiries
0300 790 6802
Driving and medical issues
0300 790 6806
Vehicle tax
0300 123 4321
Driver check
0903 139 3837
Personalised registration
0300 123 0883
Welsh language
0300 790 6819
0800 032 5202

DVLA Phone Number Cost

The DVLA phone number cost depends on the digits it starts with, your phone provider and whether you use a landline or mobile. You may get free calls to some numbers as part of your call package. Check with your phone provider for the actual cost.

The DVLA uses mainly 03 numbers, which are charged at the same rate as standard landline numbers that start with ’01’ or ’02’. The call costs up to 16p per minute from landlines and up to 65p per minute from mobiles.

The DVLA also uses some premium rate numbers, such as 09 and 118, which are regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority. These numbers can cost up to £3.60 per minute and your phone company’s access charge, plus up to £6 per call. You should avoid calling these numbers unless necessary.

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You can find more information about call charges and phone numbers on the GOV.UK website.

DVLA Phone Number NI

The DVLA phone number NI is different from the rest of the UK, as Northern Ireland has its own Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA). The DVA is responsible for licensing and testing vehicles and drivers in Northern Ireland.

To contact the DVA for driver licensing enquiries, you need to call 03002007861. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. The call costs up to 10p per minute from landlines and up to 40p per minute from mobiles.

To contact the DVA for vehicle enquiries, you need to call 03002007876. You can call this number from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. The call costs up to 10p per minute from landlines and up to 40p per minute from mobiles.

The address to send any documents related to your driver or vehicle licence is:

Driver & Vehicle Agency
County Hall
Castlerock Road
BT51 3TB

DVLA Phone Number 03

The DVLA phone number 03 is a type of non-geographic number that is charged at the same rate as standard landline numbers that start with ’01’ or ’02’. The call costs up to 16p per minute from landlines and up to 65p per minute from mobiles.

The DVLA uses several 03 numbers for different services, such as:

The DVLA uses several 03 numbers for different services, such as:

  • Driving licence enquiries: 03007906801
  • Vehicle enquiries: 03007906802
  • Driving and medical issues: 03007906806
  • Vehicle tax: 03001234321
  • Personalised registration: 03001230883
  • Welsh language: 0300790

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