Unilag Post Utme Subject Combination 2025/2026 Academic Session

Many have been searching for new unilag post utme subject combination but it was too hard to get the unique subject combination, so am helping you with that today.

unilag post utme subject combination

Check Out: University of Lagos (UNILAG) Distance Learning Institute (DLI) Admission Form 2025/2026 Academic Session

Updated Unilag Post Utme Subject Combination

For your post utme, you would be assessed with three subjects which are Mathematics,English language and general paper.

  1. The Mathematics contains 50% further mathematics, and 50% pure mathematics, but note, no calculus is involved, by calculus I mean no integration or differentiation. You could see expansion, simplify or prove that…polynomials. Then your statistics like mean,median,range,mode,etc for normal maths and do not forget probability. Sorry I almost forgot, your indices is also important.
  2. As for your English language, do not be scared, there is no comprehension because of the Little time. Just practice your concord, normal lexis (fill in the gap), Little Oral english, antonyms and synonyms.
  3. For your general paper, just know things about unilag like the present vice chancellor’s name, the former v.c’s name, the year the institution was established or founded. Also learn about this years presidential election. Just listen to news at this period. If you are a lover of cartoons and movies, you better start being a lover of world news and local Nigerian news. Also visit www.generalworldknowledge.com for general knowledge like the longest river, the highest mountain. Also get a current affairs pamphlet of about 100 naira in the market, please buy the current one oooh!! I mean the one of 2014 and probably 2015, if you see that in the market. You should also study your utme past questions also, because unilag might decide to add your jamb combination in your general paper, like someone who did physics, chemistry, biology and English in utme can see the physics, chemistry and biology in the general paper, so don’t ignore or throw away your utme past questions, still keep practicing. But pay more attention to the maths, English and general paper.
  4. I discovered that most people don’t know about the timing and how to go about it, that is why people study hard for the exam and still fail the exam. That is not your portion. Ok let’s start from here. You have forty questions in your post-utme with only thirty minutes to answer them. How difficult right? you see how unrealistic it looks, but it is possible, it takes intelligence and smartness to pass your utme not just intelligence. Oh! I almost forgot, the mathematics is 15 questions, English is 15 questions and general paper is 10 questions making it a total of 40 questions. Now when you enter the examination hall you must be confident and avoid distractions by other candidates or invigilators, complain if you have problem with your computer and pray before starting. You have done a cbt exam so I don’t need to lecture you about that. Let me give you a secret. If you have started, usually the questions are scattered, start from number one question, if you don’t know it, don’t skip it ooh! Click any answer and then write down that number that you don’t know, move to number two, if you know it, do it, if you are not sure still, just click on anything your mind directs you to and then write down the number so that if you are through and you still have time, you can still go back to those numbers, but if your time is up, at least you have clicked on something that is probably 50% right and 50% wrong. Just make sure you answer all the questions. Please and please, submit by yourself to avoid stories, click on the submit button, don’t Let it submit automatically, though there is nothing wrong in an automatic submission, but it is better you do it buy yourself at least 30 seconds till the expiration of your time.
  5. Go early for your exam,please be punctual, unilag don’t accept poo! Sorry I used that. Note that scientific calculator is not allowed, all that are allowed are your normal calculator ( like jamb calculator), pencil or pen and your examination pass.(These would be communicated to you before your examination).
  6. I finally remembered after thinking so hard to remember the most important point. Some people have been questions like, what do I need to score to get finance, civil engineering, pharmacy etc and I have being given them a rather inconsequential and wrong answer(s), sorry for that. The right answer is that you should get 40 in your post utme. Aim for the highest score, don’t aim for 25 or 27 or worst 39. Aim for 40 and you would be surprised when you see yourself scoring 40, it is not impossible.
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