NOUN INTERNAL MEMO : Allegation of Extortion in Respect

The University Management has received complaints of students being levied by some Study Centres to participate in the ongoing project’s defence and moderation. Available information indicates that some of the levy is said to be earmarked for ferrying the projects, the staff, and the Supervisors to the venue of the exercise.

For the avoidance of doubt, all Study Centre Directors and indeed all staff dealing with students are reminded that the aforementioned levies are not part of the fees approved by the University Management and are, therefore, ILLEGAL.

It has also been explained that the cost of transporting projects and the traveling expenses of study Centres’ staff to the venues of the exercise are to be taken from the official imprests of the Study Centres. This is in line with the University’s practice regarding all other official assignments of Study Centres. The students are to transport themselves. Both the travelling expenses and DTA (where applicable) of the visiting Supervisors (who are duly appointed)shall be borne by the University Management upon completion of the attendance sheets.

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The purpose of this memo is to sound a note of warning to all officials who have already authorised and collected all such illegal levies toward the exercise, to cease, desist and refund them accordingly to the affected students. Thereafter, a formal report on the refunds should be communicated to the undersigned.

Thank you.

Prof. Samaila Mande

Coordinator, Projects Defence and Moderation

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