LASU Acceptance Fee 2025/2026 Academic Session (Payment Procedure)

Check out the LASU Acceptance Fee 2025/2026 Academic Session (Payment Procedure), recently released by the school management of Lagos State University.

LASU Acceptance Fee

ALL LASU successfully admitted candidates in Streams 1 & 2, who are yet to accept their admission offer, are to IMMEDIATELY login on to LASU admission portal to accept the offer. ANY CANDIDATE, WHO DOES NOT ACCEPT, FORFEITS THE PROVISIONAL ADMISSION OFFER AND WILL NOT BE PROPOSED ON JAMB CAPS.

Note the following:

1. Kindly ENSURE you update your O/Level results(s) at a JAMB accredited CBT Centre.
3. Kindly ENSURE you change your course on your JAMB CAPS account to the course you were offered in LASU (if the courses are different) for this provisional offer to be valid.
4. If you have completed steps 1 – 3 above, proceed to Login to your JAMB CAPS account to ACCEPT the Admission offer AND
5. Thereafter, proceed to LASU Payment Portal for Payment of Acceptance and Medical Fees (THIS IS APPLICABLE TO ONLY

  COOU Acceptance Fee 2025/2026 Academic Session (Payment Procedure)

The NON-REFUNDABLE ACCEPTANCE FEE of N20,000.00 has commenced effective from Wednesday, 13th November, 2020 to 13th December 13th, 2020.

Admitted candidates MUST also pay ONLINE a sum of N10,000.00 only for the Medical Screening (note that the Medical screening must be done at the LASU Health Centre, Ojo Campus).

Method of Payment

  • Visit LASU e-payment portal:
  • Supply the following information on the new e-payment portal:
  • Matric No/UME Reg No: Your 2020 UTME Registration Number
  • ID Type: Student/Alumnus
  • Campus: Main
  • Study Type: Full-Time Undergraduate
  • Purpose: Acceptance Fee
  • Current Valid Email Address: Please use ONLY your personal valid and current email address
  • Current Valid Phone No.: Please use ONLY your personal valid and current GSM number
  • Click on Submit
  • The new page will display your records and amount payable.
  • Click on Submit button to continue the process.
  • Click on Make Payment to effect the payment on REMITA payment platform
  • Make use of any desirable payment options on the Remita platform to effect the payment and keep safely your RRR code and the Transaction Receipt sent to your E-mail after successful payment.
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The entire public is to please NOTE that the Lagos State University WILL NOT be responsible for any payment made to any individual/account or platform aside the one stated above.

Feel free to share the LASU Acceptance Fee 2025/2026 Academic Session, recently released by the school management.

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