TMA Questions and Answer | ENG222 Advanced English Syntax

See the complete tma questions and answer of advanced english syntax.
A complete description of linguistic knowledge must invoke a number of different types of …………. _ Answer: rules
Although, knowledge acquisition is an attribute of humans, it is useful to separate …………. from literary knowledge. _ Answer: linguistic
There is a …………. for language acquisition as opposed to the general-intellectual ability approach. _ Answer: special programming
Adhering to ……………. makes it possible for a speaker to produce not only correct sentences of the language but also sentences acceptable by other native speakers.
_ Answer: specific rules of the language
Yinusa bought the bread and Yinusa ate it. “Yinusa bought the bread and ate it.” The transformation in these sentences is that of…………….. _ Answer: deletion
The vampire frightened Ronke. “Ronke was frightened by the vampire.” The transformations in these sentences involve those of ……….. _ Answer: movement and
* “Ademuyiwa yesterday the pen bought” is ill-formed because it does not follow the permissible way of ……….. in English. _ Answer: word-order
………….. are used in linguistic analysis to capture the way native speakers acquire and use their language. _ Answer: Rules
Abimbola’s car is not a car is well formed but it is …………. _ Answer: contradictory
………… provides for intermediate categories which Phrase Structure Grammar cannot account for. _ Answer: X-bar
Although the knowledge of a language must contain principles of sentence formation and interpretation, it is obvious that such knowledge also includes knowledge of its
…………………. _ Answer: vocabulary
One of the judgements the native speaker can make about the sentences of his/her language is in terms of ————. _ Answer: grammatical/non-grammatical
Performance is what the native speaker does with the knowledge of his/her language in ———-. _ Answer: actual situations and contexts
Rules are said to be recursive when they produce an indefinite number of rules in a ——————– manner. _ Answer: circular
Every lexical category projects its own ——————- category. _ Answer: phrasal
The ——– is the only obligatory category in a phrase. _ Answer: head
Inversion, movement and deletion rules are examples of ——————- rules. _ Answer:
In the sentential structure, ———— is lower and immediately dominated by S. _ Answer: phrasal category
Lexical categories can occupy —————- in a sentence. _ Answer: any syntactic positions
Language abilities are not only different in kind from other intellectual abilities, but they also become considerably ——- at a time when other intellectual abilities are still
increasing. _ Answer: impaired
The ——— ÆŸ-role is an actor that performs the action in a sentence. _ Answer: agent
When one of the elements in two conjoined clauses is deleted, the transformation is on the basis of —————–. _ Answer: sameness
The aim of writing a grammar is to give a full account of all the facets of ………………… knowledge. _ Answer: linguistic
The arrow in phrase structure rules should be interpreted as —————–. _ Answer: expand as
The categories of nouns, adjectives and determiners can be abbreviated respectively as ———–. _ Answer: N, Adj, Det
The condition that must be satisfied by the grammar of all languages is made up of ————- parts. _ Answer: two
Transformational Generative Grammar consists of a set of phrase structure rules plus a set of ——————– rules. _ Answer: transformational
The study of competence is the study of grammars which are ———————- real. _ Answer: psychologically
The symbol ——-represents the notion ‘sentence of a language’. _ Answer: S
Under the Guava tree’ is a ——– category. _ Answer: phrasal.
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