NOUN TMA Solutions, 2020_2: ENT408- Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues

Entrepreneurial behaviour or entrepreneurship in many organizations is a……..level phenomenon. _ Answer: firm
Intrapreneurship is the practice of entrepreneurship by ……… within an organization. _ Answer: employees
……………….is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur, except within a larger organization. _ Answer: Intrapreneurship
Commitment to opportunity and commitment to resources are………..of intrapreneur behavior. _ Answer: Dimensions
A ………………. is an individual whose business is in the realm of high technology _ Answer: technopreneur
The concept “entrepreneur” stems from a French word …………… _ Answer: Entreprendre
………………. perspective focuses on the perception of market opportunities. _ Answer: Managerial theory


………………. is concerned with general level of knowledge in the society. _ Answer: educational theory
A dynamic theory of entrepreneurship was first advocated by …………………. _ Answer: Schumpeter (1949)
The main purpose for esterblishing entrepreneuship is usually to reduce………….. _ Answer: Unemployment
Joseph Schumpeter saw the entrepreneur as _ Answer: innovators
Recent advances in research indicate that the differences in entrepreneurs and heterogeneity is their _ Answer: Behaviour
Fauchart and Gruber (2011) based on social identity theory three main types of entrepreneurs except _ Answer: socialitarians
A social ……… is motivated by a desire to help, improve,transform, educational and economic conditions. _ Answer: entrepreneur
The social entrepreneur is driven by an ……. to address some of the big social and economic conditions. _ Answer: emotional desire
Social entrepreneurs seek to develop innovative ……… to global problems _ Answer: solutions
Social entrepreneurs act within a ……….aiming to create social value. _ Answer: Market
social entrepreneurs make significant and diverse contributions to their …………. and societies, _ Answer: communities
A ….. is one who continuously comes up with new ideas and starts new businesses (Wikipedia, 2010). _ Answer: serial entrepreneur
In the media, the … is represented as possessing a higher propensity for risk, innovation and achievement _ Answer: serial entrepreneur

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