Coffee County Schools Calendar 2025-2026

Check out Coffee County Schools Calendar 2025-2026, Coffee County School is a public school district in Coffee County, Georgia in Douglas, United States. Coffee County School System composed of 8 elementary schools which operate through the states.

Coffee County Schools Calendar

Here is the list of school with 1 middle school, 1 ninth grade academy, and 2 high schools:

  1. Ambrose Elementary School
  2. Broxton-Mary Hayes Elementary School
  3. Eastside Elementary School
  4. Indian Creek Elementary
  5. Nicholls Elementary School
  6. Satilla Elementary School
  7. West Green Elementary School
  8. Westside Elementary School
  9. Coffee Middle School

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Coffee County School Holidays 2025-2026

Coffee County School is with grade Pre-school – 12 having more than 7865 students and 750 staff member teachers included. In the year 2016, Dr. Morris Leis was appointed as Superintendent which have brought a lot more change in the structure in the school which helps in developing the future in the students in betterment in the future. Coffee County School has brought a change in the System and now have an online anonymous reporting system which directly contacts and send through the parent so that they too have to know what their children performance.

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Coffee County School Calendar 2025-2026

They have to make a ratio of 17:1 between the teachers and the students which help in keeping focus in the students so that they can become aware of it what they are actually going and seeing the improvement in them. Today I am with like the change which is done by the management side and i.e. regarding Holiday Calendar which needs to do for the session 2025-2026. This will help you in managing time and have proper planning throughout the year. Here below is the list which is provided by the management:

Coffee County School Terms 2025-2026

           School Calendar
        First Day of School
    8 Aug 2020
        Thanksgiving Break
    27 Nov 2020
       29 Nov 2020
          Christmas Break
    20 Dec 2020
        3 Jan 2021
          Mid-Winter Break
    14 Feb 2021
     17 Feb 2021
            Spring Break
    23 Mar 2021
      27 Mar 2021
        Last Day of School
    21 May 2021
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Get the best format provided which is easy can be download because it is available in PDF and Doc format which what I think is the best format from all of the remaining. This information helps in knowing advance information so that we all can have proper planning in advance so that we can plan a trip with them and have spent time with them. Here I have modified the Coffee County School calendar with a special design with a floral calendar that will look too good and you will understand properly after downloading it.

The things that I have mentioned is about when is the First Day of School, when is the Christmas Break, when is the Mid Winter Break and many more. These are the things which need have to know for all of us and important too because it is the only way by which we will get to know when it working day or holiday.

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Else apart is you feel any problem regarding this then you can contact us or comment to us which is in below section and feel free before contacting us. Thank you for giving us a special time and I hope you all have the best future life ahead.

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