Noun TMA Answers 2021 | Get It Here Instantly

Tma answers 2024/2025, NOUN TMA Answers 2021 and MKT108 Questions/Answers.

NOUN TMA Answers 2021

Q1 _____ is concerned with setting certain standards / levels to accomplish the produced goods.

Q2 Product _________is also part of product development which focuses on the functional aspects of the product and on consumer acceptance.

Q3 The benefit of marketing segmentation is that it leads to more satisfying marketing_____

Q4 ________ marketing plan is the master blueprint for a year’s marketing activity for a specified organizational division or major product.

Q5 The __________ concept rests on four main pillars

Q6 Kotler (1984) states that for exchange to take place, it must satisfy conditions

Q7 Monitoring environmental changes helps discover emerging opportunities such as growth ______ and unfilled market needs.

Q8 ______ marketing planning in an organization leads to the preparation of an annual marketing plan

Q9 _________ of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations

Q10 …………promotes a customer’s information in political, social and economics affairs internationally

Q11 ________ can be described as the route through which goods and services pass through tp the final consumers.

Q12 One major objective of international research is to discover new ………………………….opportunities.

Q13 Research is necessary but a lot of……………………. are reluctant to engage in international research

Q14 One of the most dramatic forces shaping people’s lives is ___________

Q15 __________ decisions are strongly affected by developments in the political and legal environment.

Q16 Marketing research is the first step taken by any ……………………… before investing his money in business

Q17 A product provides a bundle of satisfaction that the consumer derives from the product itself, along with its promotion, distribution, and price.

Q18 Channel of distribution can be grouped into ___ categories.

Q19 For exchange to take place, Kotler (1984), lists conditions that must be satisfied

Q20 Marketing evolves from this last approach to acquiring products i.e. _____.

Q21 ____________marketing, also known as internet marketing, web marketing or e-marketing is the marketing or promotion of products or services using the internet as a medium.

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Q22 ______ is a controlled experiment to predict sales or profit consequence of the various marketing strategies.

Q23 _______ have a number of distinctive characteristics, which create special marketing challenges and opportunities

Q24 _______ is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue.

Q25 The ___________ phones the customer to check whether the product is meeting expectation.

Q26 According to Berry and Parasuraman as reported by _________and Kotler (2006) three retention building approaches have been identified

Q27 An attitude is a learned _____________ to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way

Q28 _______ is studied to determine industries with growth potential and those facing a stagnant future.

Q29 Motives can be grouped into________broad categories

Q30 To deal with the marketing environment and make purchases, _________ engage in a decision process.


Q31 In ___________segmentation, buyers are divided into groups on the basis of their knowledge of, attitude toward, use of, or response to a product.

Q32 ____________-styles relates to activities, interests, and opinions.

Q33 There are ________ distinct life cycle stages:

Q34 Marketers use demographic segmentation when they market on the basis of ____________ about the size, composition, and distribution of a and education. population, including age, sex, race,religion, national origin, family size, marital status, occupation, social class, income

Q35 ___________segmentation calls for dividing the market into different geographical units such as countries, regions, states, local government areas, cities,towns or neighbourhoods.

Q36 __________ behaviour is hardly traceable to only one characteristic.

Q37 There are important differences between ultimate_______and industrial users, their ways and means of purchasing differs considerably.

Q38 Ultimate consumers buy goods or services for their own personal or household use, and are satisfied strictly non-_____wants.

Q39 The following are the uses of product research, except;

Q40 a variety of indirect indicators of benefits are often used to describe __________

Q41 the benefit of marketing segmentation is that it leads to more satisfying marketing_____

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Q42 The marketing research process has ______number of steps.

Q43 Firms who target individual marketing __________ can see more clearly who their competitors are, and the tactics each uses in that segment.

Q44 ________marketing plan is the master blueprint for a year’s marketing activity for a specified organizational division or major product.

Q45 ______ marketing planning in an organization leads to the preparation of an annual marketing plan

Q46 strategic planning looks beyond immediate circumstances, trying to __________ market conditions five or ten years into the future.

Q47 “Closing the sale” is part of the ___________ process.

Q48 ______ is the oral presentation is a conversation with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making sales.

Q49 _____level of product consists of all the possible augmentations and transformations the product may undergo in the future.

Q50 A company’s marketing ______ often operates within the framework of forces, which constitutes the system’s environment

Q51 The process of gathering information on various aspects of the marketing environment is called environmental ______.

Q52 Monitoring environmental changes helps discover emerging opportunities such as growth ______ and unfilled market needs.

Q53 kotler classify marketing activities into _________ categories containing nine functions in all

Q54 Marketing functions are often performed by the consumer himself For example, he shops for the goods and services he________.

Q55 Marketing is also concerned with product _______and design since a product must suit the needs and wants of the consumer.

Q56 The _______ agent is influenced by both marketing and production needs.

Q57 The activities most easily identified as marketing functions are those concerned with bringing __________ into contact with markets.

Q58 In the case of a manufacturers firm, buying is so clearly seen as a marketing__________.

Q59 Marketing is made up of a number of _______ known as marketing functions.

Q60 Normally, exchange processes involve some ______.

Q61 The study of marketing deals with identification and meeting human and ______ needs

Q62 Which of these is a component of any economic systems?

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Q63 In the early stage of the society’s economic development, marketing problem focuses on ____-

Q64 In an economy of plenty, most people have to satisfy their material wants through _______

Q65 ______ is the business process by which products are matched with markets and through which tansfer of ownership are effectred

Q66 It has been reported that ______ “get people to buy things don’t want’

Q67 A ________ is a state of felt derivation of some basic satisfaction


Q68 _____ are wants for specific products that are backed up by purchasing power

Q69 Customer satisfaction is the extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a ______

Q70 Marketing exists only when _____

Q71 A ____ is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product

Q72 Marketing is made up of a number of activities known as _________

Q73 Marketing manager _______ demand for the company’s product

Q74 Marketing functions are often performed by the ____

Q75 Merchandising function of marketing include the followings except _______

Q76 Auxillary function of marketing includes the following except one

Q77 A market is said to be in a state of negative demand if a major part of the market _____

Q78 When a situation of no demand exists, the target consumers are _______

Q79 An organization is said to face full-demand when it is plesaed with its ______

Q80 Every move a marketer makes is affected by and has some effects on his ______

This is the latest and updated NOUN TMA answers 2021 and am hoping to see you Next time.